Sunday, June 7, 2009

Many Updates!

Dear world,

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. We're now in Auckland, where the internet is sparse. I bought some internet on a corner. The guy offered to throw in some free meth, but, because of my inexplicable congestion, I'm on Sudafed, which, I estimate, offers 1/5 the experience. Thus, I declined. I'm really looking forward to getting better internet in China, yes, China, you know that country in which more people live under the poverty line than the whole population of the U.S.? Even though I probably won't be able to read the New York Times or anything that reports the truth about Mama Zhongguo, at least the internet won't be dial-up.

Seriously, though, what's the deal, New Zealand? They can figure out bungees that (i hope...) required some serious physics considerations, yet I'm typing on a computer that can't have been released post 1998? This thing probably only has like 200 MB of ram. Psh. One sec...lemme push up my glasses.

Anyway, New Zealand, despite the internet problems, has been lovely. People here just seem of a happier disposition than other places we've visited. They're incredibly friendly. Driving on the left side of the road has been difficult, but I've gotten used to it. Additionally, I just saw Star Trek on Imax, which was AWESOME, so I'm in a good mood.

As I said, we're now in Auckland, which is a beautiful city. I would say it's more a collection of suburbs, though. We're now in "Downtown" Auckland, which reminds me a lot of "Downtown" L.A. There aren't many people here, but there are many cars driving by who, I would assume, are on their ways to other parts of the sprawl. But the water here is truly beautiful. We had the opportunity to sing for the American Club at the Tamaki Yacht Club last night, during which concert we could see the sun setting over Mission Bay. It was a truly unforgettable experience...well, at least for me. I was driving that night.

So, we have 3 more days here, one more at our homestays, who, in my experience and from what I gather from the other Whiffs, have been incredibly hospitable and wonderful hosts. So, if any of you are reading, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Although the hotels we are staying at are wonderful, it's refreshing to be able to stay with families so that we can call somewhere home for 3 days and ease a bit of a our homesickness.

Anyway, I'm going to go answer some more tour emails. If you have any specific questions, I love receiving emails and will reply promptly. Or just comment below if you don't mind the whole world seeing it.

I'm also looking for something to do during my break in Paris July 27-31. I have many options right now, the best of which are probably either staying in Paris to meet up with friends and hang out there for 4 days or go to Lisbon to meet up with a friend. If yo'ull be in either destination, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. I am in search for some advice on fixing my wireless internet connection.The wireless internet connection runs smoothly with no problems whilst browing websites and downloading files, however whilst playing an online game (for example: counterstrike) my internet suffers from sudden 'bursts of lag' roughly once every 60 seconds.
